Congratulations to all of our students who have participated and won the 2019 Ranch 99 Market Mother’s Day Drawing Contest!
This year there were total of 1000 entries! 200 finalists and 80 awards. 29 students were from our studio, we couldn’t be more proud!
Special shout out to Jannie Xu and Allison Su, who have the Tawa Grand Award of their group! (Each group were given 2)
其中特别恭喜Jannie Xu, Allison Su 分别获得了A组与B组的大华慈善基金会特别奖! (每组2人)
2019 99 Ranch Market Mother’s Day Drawing Contest Award Ceremony
(Left 2nd)Jannie Xu-Group B Tawa Grand Award; Cash Award $500.00
(图左二)Jannie Xu-组B 大华慈善基金会特别奖;奖品现金$500.00
(Right 3rd) Allison Su-Group A Tawa Grand Award; Cash Award $500.00
(图右三)Allison Su-组A 大华慈善基金会特别奖;奖品现金$500.00
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Allison Su
Group A Tawa Grand Award
组A 大华慈善基金会特别奖
Cash Award $500.00
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Jannie Xu
Group B Tawa Grand Award
组B 大华慈善基金会特别奖
Cash Award $500.00
Gold Award-Group A & B
特优奖-组A & B
Cash Award $100.00
奖品现金 $100.00
Mason Wang
Gold Award Group B
特优奖 组B
Cash Award $100.00
奖品现金 $100.00
Catherine Zhou
Gold Award Group B
特优奖 组B
Cash Award $100.00
奖品现金 $100.00
emily ma
Gold Award Group B
特优奖 组B
Cash Award $100.00
奖品现金 $100.00
Silver Award-Group A & B
优胜奖-组A & B
Cash Award $50.00
奖品现金 $50.00
Click image to see full
Merit Award-Group A & B
最佳创意奖-组A & B
Award Gift Card $25.00
奖品礼品卷 $25.00
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